Tier 1 plants can be found in the starter plants, seeds, and common seeds in the Supply Store. When I polinated the plant this time it procued a tier 3 reptans seed that procuded the Mela Reptans plant which sold in my nursery for $18. I took one of those seeds, planted it and gave it a dose of the mutation liquid. I then polinated the plant to procude more citrus reptans seeds. Anyway the point is, when you are buying seeds from the supply store, you really don't know which one you will get. In this case, it happened to be a citrus reptans seed, however it could have just as easily been a bluestar, fourpetal, jalapa or spotted reptans plant. Tier 1 seeds can turn into bluestar, citrus, fourpetal, jalapa or spotted plants. It grew into a citrus reptans that sold in my nursery for $8. I planted it, fed it with plant food and watched it grow. I purchased a tier 1 reptans seeds (this is a common type seed) from the supply store. here are the four tiers of seeds in the Reptans family. Within each family of plant seeds, you can grow a variety of types of plants. All seeds have 4 levels of qualities, known as tiers (1 being the worst, 4 being the best). Seeds are broken down by family and quality. Only common seeds can grow in level 1 soil so if you want to grow prettier and more expensive plants you need to upgrade your soil! Seeds are broken into three main types - common, endangered and extinct. There are three types of soil and you should upgrade to the best soil you can afford as quickly as you can. To grow plants you need seeds and you must plant those seeds in the proper soil.